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Comfort Tech Heating & Cooling Blog

Make Sure to Book a Furnace Tune-Up ASAP

It is starting to cool off, and we know that when the chill really moves in it won’t be the time when you want to be without heat. That’s why we want to give you a reminder today to plan ahead and make sure your furnace is prepared for the heating season.

If you haven’t already, reach out to schedule your appointment for heating maintenance in West Kelowna with our team. We’ve served homes like yours since 2005 and we are well-known for providing quality service. Our maintenance services will ensure you have a reliable furnace throughout the coldest months of the year.

Learn more about what maintenance can do for your furnace below.

How Maintenance Helps Your Furnace

Before the cold really starts to set in, you’ll want to ensure that your furnace is able to handle it. When you schedule a maintenance appointment with us, you can enjoy benefits that include:

  • Better energy efficiency: Without a regular annual tune-up your furnace runs the risk of losing up to 5% of its efficiency. That means that each year without maintenance will end up costing you more whenever you run your heating system. In contrast, regular maintenance allows your furnace to keep up to 95% of its original efficiency level.
  • Reduces the risk of repair needs: A well-maintained system is one that is far less likely to need repairs too often. This is because maintenance addresses small inefficiencies in the system that would otherwise escalate throughout the season into potential repairs. For example, cleaning the heating elements of your system reduces the chances of that build-up hindering the furnace’s ability to warm up your home.
  • Reduces your heating costs: When you schedule maintenance each year for your heating system, it will reduce the chances of your system eating up extra energy to try to warm your home. This can help you keep your heating bills more manageable.

Along with these helpful system benefits, booking maintenance now, before things truly get cold, will make it easier to get an appointment and will help ensure you don’t have to sit in a cold house with your furnace off while it is maintained.

Get a Total Comfort Plan Set Up Today

Maintenance services are highly beneficial when they are provided by our team of experts. We are Kelowna locals too so we know what our heating systems go through. That’s also why we created our Total Comfort Plan. This is a maintenance plan meant to help you get the service you need when you need it. Signing up for a plan today also includes access to added perks like…

  • 3 Comfort Tune-Ups the first year of membership, 2 each year thereafter
  • A 15% discount on any accessories or repairs, including parts and labour
  • A full 10-year guarantee on any of the above accessories or repairs
  • Preferred service: members receive priority

Are you comfortable? Contact Comfort Tech Heating & Cooling to schedule your maintenance needs. We guarantee your comfort with every job we do.

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